Sunday, April 10, 2022


Dear Precious Child, It is written in My Instruction Book, the Bible, that My promises to humans are yes and amen; "amen" meaning "so be it". The meaning of that truth is that My promises are meant to be accessed by everyone and if you have faith in Me and seek them that you will have them. Some of My children have accessed all of them and some have accessed a few of them. It all depends upon your pursuit or seeking of Me and your pursuing or seeking of My promises. (Matthew 6:33) Jesus Christ warned His disciples and other believers that humans should not swear an oath to do something, not swearing if something is true or false, even though under the old covenant swearing to something was required by the religious/civil Law of Moses. In courts of law, if two or three witnesses swore that something was true, then it was accepted in the courts as being worthy of belief. However, when Jesus Christ began teaching, one of the first things that He taught was that you should not swear about anything because, as He said, you should only let your "yes" mean yes and your "no" mean no. He even revealed in that statement that anything more than yes or no was from the evil one, meaning the devil. (Matthew 5:33-37) In the explanation of His advice to humans, Jesus said that if you swear to something to be true and it's actually false, then the devil's guilt and condemnation will consume you, sometimes even eventually leading to death. So My advice to you through Jesus was that you should refuse to swear an oath and instead of swearing that you just let your answers be yes or no, whichever is appropriate for the occasion. Jesus was protecting My children by advising you and the rest of humanity not to swear to anything. He was robbing the devil of having the opportunity to condemn people who follow My advice by His instructions. By this exact advice from Jesus Christ, you understand why the apostle Paul called the old covenant the "Law of sin and death," because just swearing an oath can allow the demons from hell to overload your mind with guilt and condemnation if you find out that you have sworn to something as being true that was actually a lie. If you are bound loyally to the old covenant of the Law of sin and death as your way to salvation, then you are bound to the demons whom My covenant with Moses was meant to identify so that you could avoid yielding to them. I did not give those laws to Moses as a way to salvation. I gave them as a way for humans to avoid yielding to the demons who the laws identified. There is only one way to salvation from the works of the devil in the earth and that is through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the power of My Holy Spirit living inside of you. (Galatians 3:10-14 and 19-22) I am Your Father who provides for Us, you and Me, being so Unified that we become One and the result is that you become the reflection of My character in the earth, which is only accomplished by My Holy Spirit living inside of you, not by obeying any religious laws, which is impossible to obey all of them. However, upon many occasions and in many situations I swear to My individual children, making sure that they know that I have guaranteed one or more of My promises to them. When that happens, it's the 100% assurance that what I promised, I will provide. The oath might come to My children in the form of a dream, a vision, a word of knowledge, a revelation of a prophesy. (Acts 2:1-4 and 17-18) Any way that I can get My oath to a child of mine as an assurance that I will do what I promised to do, I WILL DO IT. I never want My children to question My loyalty to them or question the veracity of My promises to them. I want My children to have My complete assurance that what I promised to them I will provide. My assurance to them in the form of some supernatural way is to be interpreted by them as My oath. It is written that by two unchangeable things, My promise and My oath, it is impossible for Me to lie. In combining My oath with My promise, there is an anchor for your soul which ends all inner strife. There is no question in your mind what I will do in a particular situation when I swear an oath to you to do something for you as promised through old covenant prophets and Jesus Christ. Extreme faith is produced in you when My oath occurs in your life to confirm My promise to you. (Hebrews 6:13-20) That is when you know that you know that you know that My promise will become reality in your life. I do not leave you without comfort and assurance. I come to you in My magnificent ways in which I am able by the power of the Holy Spirit inside of you to do super-abundantly far over and above all that you dare ask, think, pray, desire, hope or dream. (Ephesians 3:20) It is only by the power of My Holy Spirit that I have placed inside of you that I am able to swear an oath and provide everything that you need, want or desire. Your Loving Father Who Assures My Children With Oaths

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