Friday, February 21, 2014


Dear One, When the apostle Paul suggested that My children pray at all times, in all seasons in the Holy Spirit, he was saying not to let any air space be void of My words so that the evil principalities and powers of the air will be constantly instructed to exit your life and the lives of your children and your country. Paul said he prayed in tongues more than anyone. Prison doors dramatically opened because of his prayers. He had more truth and revelation of My truth and grace than anyone else at the time because he spent two years alone with me in the desert and he built up himself on his faith by praying in the Holy Spirit.

He laid aside all religious teachings from the law which the devil uses to retard My children on their road to knowing Me intimately. Paul did not dam up My rivers of life by letting the demons who take up residence in the lives of people also take residence in his mind and body. He cast out everything from his mind that exalted itself against My will and the knowledge of Me. He recognized the thorn in his flesh as being a demon and he resisted it. I said when you resist the devil that it will flee. Paul also knew that all of the Holy Spirit's words are prophesies, words spoken through your mouth to build up My kingdom in your life, words which release you and others from bondage to religious laws as well as bondage to the devil, words that tear down the works of the devil, words that strengthen you and words that establish My will in your life. He knew that it was through intercessory prayers by My Spirit that demonic kingdoms are destroyed in the lives of my children, in the lives of their children, in their occupations, in their relationships and in all areas that bring prosperity. Yes, Paul set himself aside to truly seek My kingdom and My righteousness. My righteousness became apparent in his life and My wisdom and revelation became apparent in his life by his writings and by his ministry. Seeking My kingdom is only the beginning. Seeking My righteousness is the key to opening the doors of My heaven and inheriting My blessings. My righteousness is capsuled in My unconditional love shown to you which must be passed on to others. Love, God Luke 1:10-11; Acts 2:1-4; Ephesians 6:10-18; I Corinthians 14:15; Romans 8:26-28; Colossians 4:12; James 5:16; Jeremiah 1:9-12.

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