Sunday, February 9, 2014


Dear One, My children assume that My heavens are light years away or a hundred miles away or a mile away up in the sky. None of that is true. There is no actual distance between us. In truth, My heavens are only a veil away, a breath away, a vapor away into another dimension. We are closer than your own breath. We are in the same space as you are, only in another dimension which is called heaven to you. A prophet once wrote that you are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses and then later in the writing he names them. You wouldn't be surrounded by Us if we were light years away up in the sky. Revelations are received so easily by My children because of the closeness of My heavenly dimension to your existence. That same prophet said that you look thought a glass darkly into the heavens but eventually My children will know Me face to face. Healings are received so readily by My children because of the closeness of My heavenly dimension to your area of existence. When Jesus said that the kingdom of God was at hand, he was talking about depth, not distance. He even told My children at the time that when He cast a demon out of someone with My finger, that the kingdom of God comes upon them. That certainly doesn't sound like My kingdom would have to travel any distance, but that My kingdom is immediately present in the life of that person. The heavens and the sky are not the same. Distance relates to the sky but dimension relates to My heavens. Only humans call the sky the heavens. My cloud of witnesses know the difference. That truth should give you great faith in your prayers, knowing that My cloud of witnesses and I are surrounding you in a dimension immediate to your dimension. There is no traveling time, no logging of miles from My heaven to your world. You have repeatedly noticed that when you ask Me a question that the answer is there immediately. You have noticed that My wise messages to you are also immediate, sometimes before your thoughts are even completely finished in your mind. Because We are spirit, we are only a breath away. The people who have seen the spirit of a person leave the body at death have seen a vapor leave through the mouth and immediately disappear into My heaven, which is only a veil away. The psalmist David said to call upon Me while I am near. He said that I know the intents of your heart. He said to search him and know his thoughts. To do that I have to be immediately present in another dimension, my heavenly dimension. Your faith will increase when you have full revelation of My dimension where I live and work for you. and in you. Love, God Matthew 1:14-16 Mark I:15; Luke 11:20; Psalm 116:1-2; Isaiah 55:6; Matthew 17:1-8; Hebrews 12::1-2; Hebrews 12:22-24; I Corinthians 13:12

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