Monday, February 24, 2014


Dear One, The most sought after gift which My children ask of Me is peace for their minds. The need is for emotional and mental rest, rest from worry, fretting, confusion, indecision, doubt, unbelief and fear.
  I have promised perfect peace to all of my children, complete rest and soundness of mind. Peace is resting from your mental labors of always trying to figure out human solutions to spiritual problems. The human solutions never solve spiritual problems. That is why there is such unrest in your mind, because you have never found the right solutions by human means. Then you struggle some more to try to figure out how to make everybody do what you think is right. All of that time spent in confusion and distress, I am present telling you to give it all to Me. The first appeal that Jesus made was to tell the people to come to Him all who were heaven laden and He would give them rest. He said that when your mind is yoked to Him that He will teach you the keys to perfect peace and you will find rest for your soul. That is why throngs of people were attracted to Him. They passed by religious temples which had previously only heaped burdens upon them, and they flocked to Jesus because of His promise of perfect peace. Remember that He said before He went to the cross that He gave His followers peace, not the peace that the world offers, but compete peace for their minds. No wonder there were throngs of people who came to Him, because of the need for peace and rest for their minds. A distressing mind is most often caused by conflict and strife with other people. So the first great insight and advice from Jesus was to forgive others, to return good for evil done to you, to bless those who curse you, to refuse to get in conflict with someone who strikes you on your cheek, to give to those who ask for something, and also to refuse to judge anyone. His methods of obtaining peace for your mind was foreign to people then and it remains so to this day. The advice of Jesus was simple. His advice on how to obtain the most sought after peace for your mind is to sow peace with others, with your family, your friends, your business associates and everyone with whom you come into contact. His admonition had to do with seeds being sown will return like plants into your life. So if you sow peace, you obtain peace for your own mind. His advice was simple, but deeply effective. Yes, peace with people causes you to rest from conflict and strife. Jesus said that He is meek and lowly in heart and you will have rest when you are yoked to Him. When you are truly yoked to Him, you become meek and lowly in heart, never insisting on your own way, never taking into account a wrong suffered, and being willing to be wrong even when you are right. Jesus also said that you should be perfect just like I am perfect. That means that your actions and reactions will always be about love, laying down your prejudices, your retaliations, your desire to always be right and your prideful assertions which exalt you above others. When your mind is consumed with My love, My goodness and kindness toward you, you will become good, kind and loving toward others because of the yoked oneness that we share. Then you will have My perfect peace because of My love for you. As a result you will see that it becomes easy for Me to prefect everything that concerns you. Resting in Me is trusting Me to do what I said I would do, which is to perfect everything that concerns you. Make it your good pleasure to love others as I love you. Perfect peace will consume you. Love, God Matthew 11:28-30; Matthew 5:5: Matthew 5:21-26; Matthew 5:38-48; Matthew 6:24-34; Matthew 7:1; I Corinthians 13:4-7; Romans 12:2-3; II Corinthians 13:11.
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