Sunday, February 23, 2014


Dear One, "Come to Me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." "I will give you perfect peace when your mind is stayed on Me." "Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart; and you shall find rest for your soul." Those are wonderful promises to My children. The common thread in those promises to you is that you will have rest for your soul, which is your mind. When one has peace, that person has rest for his mind. It doesn't go galloping off in every direction with worry, fretting, condemnation, guilt, judging.
  The promise is that you will have peace for your mind. Meditate on what is your part in the promises. That involves learning of me and what I have done for others. First is to come to Me when you are heaven laden. Keeping your mind on Me is the second requirement. Third is to become yoked to Me, or to become one with Me. Jesus even prayed emphatically that I would make you one with Me. He knew the value of oneness with Me, which is peace and rest for your soul, your mind. Another promise is that if you will submit yourself to Me and resist the devil, that he will flee from you. Since the devil's most powerful weapon is to condemn you and to rob you of your peace, the promise of his fleeing from you is contingent upon your submitting yourself to Me and resisting the temptations that the devil puts into your mind. Then he has to flee because he knows he can't rob you of your peace while your mind is submitted or yoked to Me. I promised time and time again that you will have rest, the great sabbath rest that I instituted for My children. That rest means that you cease from your ineffective human efforts to solve unsolvable problems which require My spiritual strategies. That rest means that you trust Me completely to send My solutions into the troublesome matters at hand. That means that you pray and love everyone, leaving the rest of the matter to Me for My intervention. The first thing you must do when you are heavy laden is to come to Me and give the matter to Me. My burden in the matter is always light to Me. Finding a solution is easy work for me, but you must come to Me and give the matter completely to me, ceasing to worry and fret but instead trusting in me. The invitation is always an open invitation to come to Me. Love, God Matthew 11:28-30; Isaiah 26:3-4; Psalm 27:1-28; I Kings 8:56-60; James 4:7-8; Psalm 37:7-11.
photo from: www.newheavenonearth.wordpress2

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