Tuesday, January 13, 2015


  We have talked at length about how My loving words pierce between the soul and the spirit, the joints and the marrow, discerning the thoughts and intents of the heart, and always heal the bodies and emotions of My children.  Because I am Love, My words are pockets of Love which restore the thoughts and attitudes of My children to perfection so that My children will be healed in every part of their lives. My words only create life, never destroy life. (Hebrews 4:12; John 6:63)
   We have also talked about how the destructive words of the devil spoken through your mouth have the power to kill the spirit of a person which eventually leads to killing the person's body, soul and spirit. I remind you that life and death are in the power of words. (Proverbs 16:21)
   Jesus said that you are blessed by your words and you are condemned by your words. (Matthew 12:37) Your words chart the course of your life and the courses of the lives of people to whom you speak.
   I gave My children the authority to manage the earth when I legally gave it to them.  I intended for them to speak only My life giving words instead of death words which rob, kill and destroy the lives of others.  (John 10:9-10)  Only when satan entered the earth, at the permission of the first man, did robbing, killing and destructive words enter into the lives of My children.
   If you have cursed the lives of yourself, your family and others by your negative, destructive words, you can reverse the direction of your futures by beginning to speak My love filled words on every occasion, choosing to bring life instead of death, praying in the Spirit at every opportunity and allowing My Spirit to change your negative thoughts about people to loving, merciful thoughts.  Then your words will also bring life instead of death and you will be known as My child because you bring peace to every situation. (Matthew 5:9)
   This truth is why forgiveness is so important and why Jesus and all of His disciples wrote repeatedly about it.  When you, as an act of your will, choose to forgive a person who has wronged you in reality or in your perception, then you set on course My heavenly forces to restore My kingdom to you and you release My power to work in the life of the perceived wrongdoer. "Forgive Me," and "I forgive you," are some of the most powerful words in the human language because you release the person and yourself from the curses that accompanied your grudge. You put yourself in the position to be known as My child, free from the burdens of an unforgiving heart. (Ephesians 4:32)
   Choose to speak forgiving, life giving words and you will experience the magnificent benefits that come from being My child.  (Galatians 5:13-18)
   Your Loving and Forgiving Father    

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