Monday, July 31, 2017


Dear Precious Child,
    Jesus said that His hope was that you and the rest of My children will become the light of the world, letting the light of My righteousness so shine before people what they will glorify Me.  The thought will be that people will discern that I am like My children. (Matthew 5:14-16)  The light to which He referred is the light of My reflection in you, your becoming so intimately acquainted with Me that you do what I have asked you to do, which is to love your enemies, to do good to them, to pray for them, to be peacemakers, to be merciful and forgiving, to be meek and humble, to be pure in heart and to love your enemies when you are persecuted for being My righteousness, that being to love others as I love you.  (Matthew 5:1-10;John 13:34-35)
    Jesus said that the phenomenon of My coming to earth to live in people was prophesied by the prophets and were spoken by Him.  He said that until heaven and earth pass away that none of the prophesies will pass away relating to Me and My living inside of My children, thus conforming them into My image, but that the prophesies will all be accomplished, every one of them.  (Matthew 5:18) In fact, Jesus said that He was fulfilling all of the prophesies relating to His life. 
   Then He began His powerful teachings about the behaviors of My children which glorify Me and My kingdom.   He told My children about loving your enemies, refusing to become angry, making peace with anyone who accuses you, turning the other cheek if you are struck, loving your enemies and praying for those who persecute you so that you will be known as My children.  He told them that My desire is that they be perfect, just as I am perfect.(Matthew 5:48)  He said that anyone who relaxes one of the least commands relating to My new covenant of Love and teaches other people to relax even the least of His commands will be least in My kingdom family.  He challenged My children to not only do what He commanded but to also teach other people to follow them, saying those people who do them and teach others to do them will be great in My kingdom family.  He even said that their righteousness must exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees or they will never enter into My kingdom.  You will note that He was talking about earthly works, doing what I command you to do to others, that if you do what He taught you to do about becoming the reflection of My light and love in the world, that you will enter into My kingdom benefits while still in the world. (Luke 11:20)
   When you become My image in the world, the witness to the world of My righteousness, only My kingdom of love will surround you and pour My blessings upon you. You are immune to the presence of evil because you listen to My words and do what I have advised you to do.  You sidestep every trap set by the devil to harness you and lead you into his kingdom of destruction and death.  Doing evil does not appeal to you because you love good instead of evil. 
    The words of Jesus will not pass away.  They are My words of guidance to lead you onto the right paths so that you will inherit all the blessings that I promised to My children.  I caused many new covenant prophets to teach the same truths that Jesus taught, amplifying them by the power of My Holy Spirit, speaking the same truths and doing My righteous actions themselves. They experienced My kingdom coming into their lives when they followed all the teachings that I spoke through My Son Jesus.  They are great in My kingdom because they have kept all the words of loving others that I commanded them to keep, and in doing it they inherited all of My promises.
   The standard of which Jesus spoke is My standard of righteousness, loving others as I love you, forgiving others as I forgive you, being merciful, kind, good, patient, faithful, joyful, loving and forever being peacemakers in the world.  All of those attitudes are the attributes of My Holy Spirit who lives inside of you, conforming you into My image in the world.  When you refuse the temptations from hell but instead display My own loving character to the world, My kingdom comes into your life on earth.
   The words of Jesus are the commandments of My new covenant of Love.  They are more exacting and more glorious than the commandments under the old covenant because of the presence of My Holy Spirit inside of you, giving you the power to become My child, conforming you into My image in the world and giving you the power to refuse evil and embrace My goodness.
   Become My standard in the world, letting the light of My character shine through you so that people will see My standard of unconditional love in you and glorify Me.
   This truth was prophesied.  You must seek Me and allow My Spirit to fulfill it in you.
   Your world is looking for My standard of love.  You have the power of My Spirit to show them My standard, the standard of unconditional love. 
   Your Loving, Glorious Father

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