Wednesday, September 27, 2017


Dear Precious Child,
   Your arch enemy, the devil, is the accuser, labeled by Me in My instruction Book as the accuser of the brethren. (Revelation 12:10)  In your mind, he accuses you, other people and Me.  There will never be any accusatory thoughts in your mind of accusing him and his children, the devil and his demons, of all the problems in your life and in the world, which is the real truth.  He is a liar and so he either blames Me or you or other people in your life.
   The devil's religious demons will put thoughts in your mind that will accuse you of many religious things: not being penitent enough publicly by crying tears of condemning guilt, not going to church enough, not giving enough money to the church, not witnessing for Jesus, not volunteering to be on a committee in the church, not furthering evangelism in the world (which is impossible unless you are  called by Me to be an evangelist), not confessing your sins publicly, not preaching in the marketplace, and not obeying the old covenant commandments, even through they were replaced with My new commandment which is to love others as I love you. (John 20:21-23)  The devil will condemn and accuse you of all manner of sins and iniquities, even though you know that Jesus Christ died for them.  The mental religious accusations are sent from hell to accuse you of neglecting Me so that the devil can keep you yoked to him by accusing you because your thoughts will always be on his lies relating to your accusatory lack of service to Me.
   The devil will accuse and blame a woman who is being abused by a man, telling her that it is her fault that the man is abusing her, telling her that she caused the anger and the abuse.  That lie from hell also works in the minds of abused children who are taught that their own actions cause horrible abuse at the hands of their deceived parents, they say in My name and they say with My permission.  The reason for those accusations from hell in your mind and in the minds of women and children is to keep women and children feeling unworthy, unloved, disrespected and undeserving, someone whose only path of life is to crawl on the ground in penitence to the person the devil is using to accuse them.  All of those actions are lies from the accuser, the devil. 
   My will in the earth is to elevate all of My children to the position of being My loved, prized and valued child. (John 3:16-17)
   The devil also accuses other people in your mind, causing you to blame them for things that were not their fault in any way.  If he can tempt you to blame other people for problems in your life, he can get your mind to be focused on that person and the blame, causing a mental veil in your mind which blocks all of My healing words from coming into your mind.  Another reason for the lie of accusing others is that the devil escapes your judgment by prompting you to cast the blame on someone else.  The devil is the real problem.  (Ephesians 6:10-18)
   The most diabolical accusations that the devil fosters in the minds of My children through the demon of religion is to accuse Me of all the devastation in the world, the floods, the droughts, the hurricanes, the tornadoes, the earthquakes, the typhoons and other damaging winds.  I did not create those.  Those are the works of the devil, but they are things for which he does not want to take credit.  The devil successfully attributes the origin of all devastation to Me through the spirit of religion which he uses to dispense most of his curses in your earth. 
   One avenue through which he lies to My children who are called by My name is the lie that I am sovereign in the world.  I cannot be sovereign in the world because I gave My word to humans at the beginning that they were to have dominion over the earth and everything in it.  I cannot break My words unless a person asks Me to enter into evil situations and use My power to fix the situation.  When that happens, that child allows Me to be sovereign in that particular matter.  However, without being invited into the earth to bring My supernatural power to work in a matter, unless I am asked to work in a situation by a child of mine I will not enter and overtake the dominion of men that I gave to them when I created the earth.  It's not that I can't.  It's that I will not do anything in opposition to My word.  I gave the earth to My children in the beginning and that gift and assignment is still in effect.  However, when someone calls upon Me in prayers, I rush in with My army of angels and begin to solve a problem in the life of one of My children.  
   I always retained My sovereignty in the heavens, but I only gain sovereignty in the earth when My children invite Me into a situation by praying.  I limited My own sovereignty in the earth when I created children in My own image with their own authority in the earth.  (Genesis 1:27-31)
  The devil, through the demon of religion, blames Me for all the problems in the world.  The devil, himself, is the one to blame.  The dominion of the earth was given by Adam over to the devil when he believed the devil's lies. (Genesis 3) All devastation is caused by the devil with the permission of My very own children who are deceived by the devil to do his will in the earth. 
   Rejoice, I have overcome the devil's work in the world by the power of the Holy Spirit that was in Jesus Christ and is now in the lives of My children who believe. (Acts 1:4-8: Acts 2:1-4)
   There are no accusations or blame from Me or My family.  All blame and accusations come from the hell that is inside of the demons in the earth who torment my children by accusing Me, accusing themselves and accusing others of My children.
   I accuse no one.  (John 8:10) I desire that you have an abundant life of love and peace in the earth. 
   Your Father of Love          

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