Sunday, September 17, 2017


Dear One,
   Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see Me. (Matthew 5:8)
   When you are pure in heart, without judgment toward anyone, at peace with everyone, loving your enemies, never retaliating for any wrong done to you, refusing to pray and give alms in order to be seen by others, when you display My personality through your personality, when you become righteous as I am righteous, when you love everyone as I love you, then there are no barriers in your mind which continue to create a veil between us. (
   A judgmental mind is an opinionated mind, a mind which declares some people worthy and other people unworthy.  A mind which does not forgive is one which declares guilt without hearing any real evidence.  Yes, I said without hearing any genuine, true evidence from Me.  The true evidence from Me is always that the devil is behind every evil thought, attitude, words spoken or actions taken.  The person is forgiven by Me and you must learn to immediately forgive everyone also as My child.  When you don't forgive everyone, you not only retain their sins but you retain your own sins, accepting judgment from the devil. (John 20:22-23)
    When people serve on jury duty in a court of law, the jurors do not make a judgment until they have heard all of the evidence from both sides, plus the instructions which detail the laws regarding the case.  If a juror makes a judgment after only hearing one side of the evidence, then that person is removed from the jury.  No decision of a jury panel is legal until all of the evidence is presented and the instructions relating to the laws are given.  Then the jurors have to examine all of the evidence and make an educated decision.  Jurors who voice opinions or judgments before hearing all of the evidence can themselves be judged to be in contempt of court, removed from a jury, and jailed, especially if they try to influence other jurors. 
    My children have thoughts from hell placed in their minds every second of their days which judge other people, judge their clothing, their speech, their physical attributes or lack of them, their ethnicity, their beliefs, their culture or lack of it, judge their choices, their grammar, their actions and their habits.  Those judgments form veils over your mind which keeps you from seeing any good from Me in the people. (Hebrews 10:19-20) You have become judge, jury, prosecutor and executioner by deeming the people to be inferior to you and your associates.  Any critical thoughts are judgments on your part in determining a person's unworthiness in your eyes, the eyes of your flesh.
   Critical thoughts come from hell.  You know they are not from Me.  They don't originate from your spirit.  They come from your enemy, the devil, who wants to blind you with his judgmental opinions so that you can't see Me in others and cannot see Me in the dreams and visions that I give to you to aid you in your spiritual life. (Joel 2:28-29) You can't see Me and My revelations in My words if fleshly judgments cloud your mind because judgments are all that you see.  You don't see My miracles that are before your eyes.  You don't understand truths because your thoughts are on the inferiority of other people whom you have judged as being unworthy of your idea of perfection. 
   When you train yourself to cast out every thought that exalts itself against My truth, then you will begin to see Me and walk in unity with Me.  You will have a life of heaven on earth because when people judge you, you will bless them and genuinely pray for them that they will come to a knowledge of the truth. 
   Every belittling thought needs to be cast into hell.  Every judgmental thought needs to be cast into hell.  Every critical thought needs to be cast into hell.  Every condemning thought needs to be cast into hell.  Every angry thought needs to be cast into hell.  Every vindictive thought needs to be cast into hell.   They are all demonic, sent from the devil to bind you to his judgment of you.  Hell on earth is the judgment from hell upon those of My children whom the devil successfully tempts to judge others.  I grieve because of it, but it has been your choice of choosing curses instead of blessings.  The warnings are clearly outlined in My Instruction Book.  Jesus said, "DO NOT JUDGE LEST YOU BE JUDGED."
   When you learn to arrest every thought that is not from Me, judging the thoughts as being from hell, and then casting out the offending thoughts, then your mind is unpolluted, the veil is lifted from your mind, and you easily see Me in dreams and visions, in My words, in people, in the beauty of the earth, in the scarred people, the lost, the homeless, the sinners, the mentally deranged and the criminals.  You will see into their spirits instead of seeing their flesh and its impurities. (Matthew 7:1-2)
   Jesus said that He saw the spirits of people and did not judge them but humans are led by the devil to see the flesh of other people and judge them. (John 8:15) My desire is that you become like Jesus, seeing the spirits of people, refusing to have any negative opinions, any judgments, any criticism of the flesh of any person.
    Make it your desire to intimately know Me.  Then cast out of your mind all judgmental thoughts toward other people, judging only the negative thoughts from hell by sending them back to their evil kingdom.   Then My light will shine in your mind and you will see Me face to face, knowing Me intimately.  My kingdom will be yours because you have chosen the good part. (Matthew 14:43)
    Your Forgiving, Loving Father                         

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