Sunday, February 11, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   Good fathers know that it takes several times of speaking instructions to successfully teach protective truths to their children because telling children something one time does not make it indelible in their minds.  That is why I said that it is by two or three witnesses that a thing is established, meaning that a person has to hear something more than one time to remember it. (II Corinthians 13:1)   Teachers know that repetition is the key to learning everything.  Reiterating something many times guarantees that it has been successfully planted into the mind of a person.  Most often in the minds of children, the first time the child is taught something it goes in one ear and out the other. That is why repetition is a key to learning.  It take many times of repetition to learn something.
   In My Fatherly duties of being your protector, I did not only speak truths one time to you through My Son Jesus and expect you to instantly believe Me and do what I ask you to do.  I reiterated the same truths to you many times in your Instruction Book that I compiled for you.  We have talked many, many times about loving your enemies instead of hating them as taught by Me the first time through the mouth of Jesus.  That valuable instruction was written by several men who heard it the first time from the mouth of Jesus, so it is recorded repetitively for My children to learn because of its importance.  The truth of that teaching was revolutionary at the time and so I had My Holy Spirit teach it again and again through the new covenant prophets in order for the truths of it to be absorbed into the minds of My children.
   My Holy Spirit gave the same instruction to My children through the truths taught by Paul.  He had experienced the wonderful results that happened because he did not return evil for evil done to him, so he reiterated this valuable truth in his writings that were personally taught by My Holy Spirit to him.  (Romans 12:17-20; I Thessalonians 5:14)  I wrote through Paul that you should not stop with only loving your enemies, but that you should do good deeds to your enemy because when you do good, loving deeds to the person you are sending My good angels to minister to the person.  My Holy Spirit amplified that truth, explaining it even more fully, just like Jesus said He would do when He comes to live inside of My children. (John 16:12-15)
    I wrote the same truth through Peter, telling you never to recompense evil for evil done to you, still adding more truth, that My eyes are toward My righteous children who do good and My ears are open to their prayers, but My face is blocked from My children who do evil in the world. (I Peter 8:12)  I told you through Isaiah that I never hide My face from you, but that it is your iniquities and your transgressions and evil deeds that form a barrier between us so that I cannot hear your prayers. (Isaiah 59:1-4)  The truth as taught by Jesus is enlarged by this revelation.
    Again in My Book to you, called the Bible, My Holy Spirit spoke through John and said that My children who do good are of Me but those who do evil don't even know Me. (3 John 1:11) In saying that, he was saying that when you do evil to other people that you are not following My wise instructions, therefore you don't really know Me.  John had written previously, by the leading of My Holy Spirit, that if you follow My instructions, that shows that you love Me.  (John 14:21)
    The prophet James amplified this truth with more revelations which should entice you to follow My instructions even more.  He said not to speak evil against anyone because if you speak evil against someone you are speaking evil against My instructions to you which are to never speak evil of anyone and never to return evil for evil done to you. I said through him that if you do speak evil against someone or judge someone that you are judging My instructions to you as being null and void, of no importance, that I don't know what I am talking about (Matthew 7;1-5; James 4:11-12)  I said through James that when you diminish the truth of My instructions to you, that you are not a follower of them but you have become a judge of them. 
   I said that instead of doing evil and speaking evil, that you should resist the devil.  I said for you to draw near to Me and I will draw near to you.
   I said through James that if you are speaking evil about someone and doing evil to people, that you should return to Me, submit yourself to me, cleanse your hands and your heart because you are double minded, praising Me and at the same time cursing people. (James 3:10-12)  I said that you must turn from doing evil and speaking evil, that you must humble yourself by submitting yourself to Me so that I can exalt you after you have stopped furthering the devil's work in your earth by yielding to his temptations to do evil and speak evil about people.. (James 4:7-10)
   Again I say to you that, as a good, loving Father, I have given you valuable instructions which will cause you to sow seeds of love in your world and reap love from others.  I told you over and over again never to return evil for evil, never to do evil to anyone or speak evil of anyone because in doing so you are participating with the devil in cursing your life. 
   I am your Good Father who teaches you over and over again to do good in the earth.  I empower you with My Holy Spirit who gives you My power to do good in the earth which I gave you to govern with loving care.  By following My valuable and wise teachings you are sowing seeds for My kingdom of heaven to come into your life on earth, giving to you the abundant life that I promised. ( Matthew 6:10)
   Your Father of Loving, Protective Instructions              

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