Saturday, May 2, 2009


Dear One,
There are men who teach that you must crucify the fresh, afflict the flesh and strictly deny the flesh to seek a relationship with Me. The real truth is that you should not injure your own flesh or the flesh of someone else but that you must crucify the demons who tempt your flesh to do their dastardly deeds, temptations to be angry, fearful, jealous, lustful, addictive, conflicting, oppositional, envious, covetous and so forth. Those spirits are the ones you must crucify, deny, afflict and send back to the abyss forever where they belong. That is their biggest fear, that My children will recognize their own authority and begin to exercise that authority, casting the evil spirits forever into the abyss. When you resist their temptings and cast them out, just like Jesus did, then you have denied their power and their taunting ability,
Tell the tempters when they are tempting you that you crucify them, deny their power and then you must use the power and authority that I have given you to send them to their final resting place in hell. Taunt them like they have taunted you by telling them, "I crucify you like you crucified My Brother Jesus."
The tempters are your enemy, not your own flesh. I created your flesh. You must tenderly care for it because it is My earthly temple.
Love, God
Matthew 7:19; Matthew 8:16; Matthew 10:1; Matthew 12:28. Matthew 12:41 & 42; I Corinthians 6:19

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