Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Dear One,
Negative thoughts and words are actually official invitations sent out to the heavens inviting all the destructive demons to come to your pity party for yourself. When you persist in negative thoughts, you officially invite demons to do things to you to cause your defeat, but you don't know that you have issued the invitations. When the demons have finished their work in your life, then you will be able to say that you were right all the time, that everyone and everything is against you and they were all were out to get you. In reality,you had defeated yourself by your own choice of thoughts in cooperating with negative demons.
You must learn to discern the good thoughts from the bad thoughts. If a thought is negative, full of fear and defeat, anger, judgment, guilt or destruction, then you must reject it, refusing to send out that invitation to your destruction.
If a thought is positive, full of encouragement, loving, full of faith and peace and forgiveness for yourself and others, merciful and joyful, then you must accept it and build on it, knowing that you are sending out an invitation to the heavens for your happiness and success.
What you envision is what you expect to happen, and it will happen per your instructions.
Every situation will change in direct relationship to how much you change your thoughts.
Your thought life can either be a hostile wilderness or a peaceful heaven. You can choose between them.
I have told my children many times to choose life over death. It all starts with your thoughts.
Love, God
Deuteronomy 30:15 & 16; Philippians 4:8

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