Saturday, May 30, 2009


Dear One,
When you let another person know that you value him, you have given him worth. A sense of worth is the beginning of healing for all ailments, spirit, soul and body.
All the maladies of mankind find an entrance into a life through a sense of worthlessness. Worthlessness tells a person that he is only deserving of the worse things in every situation. It causes him to attract the worse things because he thinks he only deserves the worse. He could never expect nor accept the best things because he feels underserving of them.
Give every man a sense of worth by showing him that you value him. You must value all men because I live in them. All men are created in My image, therefore they are deserving of the best in all areas of life, because they are worthy of the best.
When you know what you are worth to Me, then you know you are deserving of My blessings because you are My child.
Pass My love on to all men so that they will know they are loved and prized.
Love, God
Genesis 1:26 & 27; Psalm 17:8; Zachariah 2:8

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