Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Dear One,

Stay with Me and we'll take care of everything, illness, poverty, division, addictions and other problems in your family and in your land.
So many problems are caused by the spirit of religion. Some of those problems are poverty, racism, domination, abuse, judgment, division and strife. That is not what I desire for My children.
When religion becomes an opiate of the people it only provides a temporary emotional escape from reality, but situations actually have viable solutions when I am brought into them. Religion provides a temporary escape when My children attend a service, but it does not introduce to them the saving grace of Jesus from satan's curses. That saving grace can only come from a one on one relationship with Me because I can give personal guidance on how to permanently escape problems. My words to you are accompanied by My power, which can erase the causes of problems.
Religion causes people to think that they have to suffer through a problem rather than finding ways from Me to heal the troubling situation. Religion teaches that you are a good martyr for suffering through it. Then you get the glory for suffering through it, and you get praise from other men. Religion adds more burdens to you in an effort to pile guilt and condemnation onto you. It is impossible to keep all the laws that religion requires.
Escape from the spirit of religion as quickly as you can. It will weigh you down until you are no more than a pack mule with no joy, no love, no peace and no patience.
Illegal drugs do the same thing, provide a temporary escape from the realities of life, an escape that does not provide permanent answers.
I am the Loving Father who can give you solutions, answers, guidance and the accompanying power to provide the abundant life that I promised through Jesus.
Love, God
Matthew 23:1-10; John 8:32

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