Sunday, May 23, 2010

20/20 VISION

Dear One,
When you think about My guidance, think about a seeing eye dog who provides sight for a blind person.
I live in you in the person of the Holy Spirit, and I provide guidance for you through Him because your earthly eyes do not see in the spiritual dimension, they do not see the activities of my angels and they do not see into the hearts of the people for whom you are praying.
Your earthly eyes also do not see the dangers that are looming in your path that are put there by your spiritual enemy to temp you, to trap you and to try your faith.
I see in the spiritual dimension with 20/20 vision and I foresee every pitfall and danger, and I see where the paths are smooth for you. I said I would lead you in the paths of righteousness. I meant that I would lead you around explosive traps that were laid for you by your enemy.
I eagerly await your request for guidance because I desire to make your path loving, peaceful, joyful and successful. I'm the only one who know the straight path. Listen to My guidance and you will live the abundant life that I promised.
Love, God
Psalm 23; John 14:26 & 27; John 16:7-15

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