Monday, February 6, 2017


Dear One,
   When My children know My Holy Spirit as their comforter and counselor and rely upon Him, they have an inner GPS and radar system which they must learn to rely upon to keep them from making mistakes which bring dire consequences into their lives. (John 14:24-27)  Isaiah called Him a Wonderful Counselor.  Jesus called Him an advocate, comforter and counselor.  Is there any wonder He is My most prized gift to you, My promise which I made to My children from the beginning of the world, the promise that I would come to live in you and be your God.  (Luke 11:13) There is no greater guide in the world and in the heavens than My Holy Spirit. 
     It is through My Holy Spirit that I made your world so He knows how to lead you onto the paths of righteousness where there are no traps set by the evil one. (Isaiah 9:6)  He is the One who brings to your mind My truth that you should not return evil when someone opposes you, strikes you or takes something from you.  He is the One who speaks in your thoughts that you should choose to forgive instead of being angry with someone or you will be danger of the fires of hell bringing its destruction into your life.  He is the One who gives you the power to do what I commanded, which is to love everyone as I love you.  He speaks into your thoughts only what I tell Him to say and only what is confirmed by what Jesus said. (John 14:26-27; John 15:26-27)
    Jesus was emphatic about your need for My Holy Spirit because He knew that He was nothing without My Holy Spirit.  He knew that the human part of Himself, often called the Son of Man, was conceived by the Holy Spirit but He was still powerless against evil temptations without being baptized in My Holy Spirit, who is My power source. (Matthew 1:20; Matthew 2:16)  Jesus knew that He had no power to heal the sick and cast out demons without My Spirit's authoritative and explosive power in His inner being and surrounding Him.  Without My Holy Spirit He knew that He had no spiritual umbilical cord, GPS or radar through whom My minute by minute instructions to Him were delivered.  Jesus was dependent upon My power.  Even King David asked Me not to take My Holy Spirit from Him because of His need for My counsel. (Psalm 51:11-13)   
   The flesh of Jesus could not do My ministry of defeating the works of the devil in the earth until He was baptized in My Holy Spirit. (Matthew 2:16-17; I John 3:8)  My children cannot defeat the works of the devil in the earth without the power of My Holy Spirit.  Their flesh is no match for the devil, as the history of the world has proven.  Only with the power of My Holy Spirit is My supernatural ability present in the lives of My children to overcome all evil, to skirt around all the devil's traps and to experience My kingdom living while in the earth. 
    After the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ, I knew that My children needed My presence in their lives so I sent My Holy Spirit to live in them, causing them to be born of my spirit and baptized in My Spirit so that they would have a direct line from Me into their thoughts with which to be led and guided.  I knew that they needed My power to destroy the works of the devil in their lives just like Jesus did when He walked the earth. 
    Jesus did not leave you without power.  He did not leave you without a tutor.  He did not leave you without an advocate.  He did not leave you without a comforter.  He did not leave you without a direct line of communication with me.  He did not leave you without the ability to access My kingdom in your life.  (Matthew 6:10)  We provided it all.
    My children have yet to appreciate the ministry of My Spirit in their lives.  He is the One who ushers My kingdom living into your life by leading you into the green pastures and beside the still waters.  Become willing followers of My Holy Spirit to whom I have given the ministry of My kingdom becoming evident in the lives of My children.  I am glorified in the earth when My kingdom is present in the life of even one of My children.  There are many who have come in through the narrow gate of Jesus and have followed the paths of My Holy Spirit which lead to heaven on earth.  Make sure you are one of them because it is through those children of Mine that I am glorified in the earth.
    Your Father of All Kingdom Provisions

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