Tuesday, April 3, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   If everyone in the earth was rigid in religious and political beliefs, there would be no forgiveness, no love, no peace, no kindness, no goodness and no tenderness because everyone would be robotic machines with no feelings, no emotions, and no compassion by which My children are moved to minister to each other.  Without My unconditional emotion of love, there is only a need for rigid laws which are enforced with no excuses.  Lawbreakers are found guilty and judged immediately, hanged or killed in some way, and fear rules people instead of My love being dispensed into the world.  There are children of Mine who feel that society would be better off in that scenario.  There are countries where laws are enforced so stringently and exactly that fear rules the entire countries because the people are afraid of being unjustly accused without a trial which calls for immediate death.  The people are slaves to fear but long to be free.
   Freedom from unjust laws costs My children part of their own freedom because many people want domination of lawbreakers instead of freedom for other people.  They want to rid their cities, towns, states and nations of the lawbreakers by making more and more laws which make it impossible for anyone to live a joyful life because of the back-breaking laws.  People are easy to control when the control is done by fear.  My own children who don't know Me but who call themselves by My name always control their own children by fear because of religious laws, churches control their members by fear of Me and My punishment, of which there is none because My only judgment and punishment is reserved for the devil and his demons, not for any of My children.  All of that fear and its consequences are instigated by the devil whose power over people is through religious and political fear.
   When My children are motivated by My love, they are free from religious and political laws because they will not injure anyone, will not persecute anyone, will not kill anyone, will not become consumed by anger at anyone, will not return evil for evil done to them, will not judge anyone, will not do their religious duties to be seen and praised by anyone, will not commit adultery, will not lust for anything, will not envy anyone, will not force their help to work at slave labor for seven days a week, will not rape anyone, will not steal, will not rob, will not lie about anyone, will not swear falsely, will not worship money, power, their church, their political party, their country, their mate or  their false idols.  Because of My love in them, they will put My Godly instructions to them first place in their lives because they know that I will protect them, provide for them, keep them from evil, mold them into My image in the world and never leave or forsake them.  My children who are motivated by My love will love everyone as I love them.  When My children do those things that Jesus told them to do, there are no reasons to have domineering religious and political laws because everyone loves each other like I love them.  That is a utopia of love.
   Jesus said it is possible for My individual children to live a life of unconditional love for everyone and that is called the Kingdom of God.  However, he said that your righteousness must exceed the righteousness of the religious and political leaders or you will never enter into My kingdom of love.  When My children measure up to My desires for them, and only by the power of My Holy Spirit, then religious and political laws are unnecessary for them because there are no criminals and no lawbreakers in their midst.  Love prevails over everything and love is shared by everybody. The law of life and love in Christ Jesus fulfills all of the religious and political laws.  (Romans 8:2)
   However, you know that in your world there are tribulations brought by the devil but I said to rejoice because I overcame the devil who brings the tribulations and I will overcome him through you.  You have learned that people are never your enemies and your problem but that the devil and his demons are always behind all of your problems.  (Ephesians 6:10-18)  You have learned the joy that comes when you see that good overcomes evil; plus blessing, praying for and doing good to your enemies will calm the demon motivating your enemy and he or she will end up being your friend.  It definitely takes the power of My Holy Spirit to do the things that Jesus asked you to do, but when you crucify the demons who tempt your flesh to vindicate yourself by striking back at someone who strikes you, then you see the rewards that flood into your life and you count your blessings which overflow into your life because you have worked with Me in flooding your earth with goodness instead of unkindness and fighting.
   Rigid people who depend upon religious laws to save them will ignore My instructions to love their enemies and will find themselves defeated, maligned, injured, the tail instead of the head, underneath the works of the devil instead of being over him in authority.  They will complain, fret, worry, gripe to Me and groan that I never answer their prayers, when all the time they have defeated themselves by building their houses on sand instead of rocks of revelation knowledge and getting to personally and intimately know Me as Love.  Politically religious people like the scribes, the Pharisees and the Sadducees who trust completely in their religious and political laws to make them happy and safe will see that there are people in the earth who cling to, rely on and trust in My words and My instructions and they are blessed beyond measure by My kingdom coming into their lives on earth as it is in heaven.  (Matthew 6:10). 
   Love is the key.  Love is the power in My heaven.  Love overcomes everything negative in your world.
   Through the revelations given to My children by My Holy Spirit you can know Me so intimately that you become like Me, full of love, full of peace, full of kindness and goodness, full of joy and full of patience with others who do not know Me.  They only break religious and political laws because they are influenced by the devil instead of being yoked to Me and My unconditional love for everyone.
   It takes time spent together to get to intimately know Me on-one-one.  You can't do it if you are feverishly trying to do things for Me by being overly organized in religious pursuits.  Meditating on My words will produce glimpses into My character of love and My personality of peace.  You will slowly get to be so intimately acquainted with me that you will begin to act like Me, forgiving quickly, loving abundantly, and reflecting My light in a dark world that I created and love.  I am waiting for you for our one-on-one time together.  Come to Me and be yoked to Me and learn of Me.  You will be blessed abundantly in all that you do. (Matthew 11:29)
   Your Life Transforming, Loving Father 

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