Saturday, October 5, 2013


Dear One, Judging others when you have done the same thing in the past or something similar brings more serious judgment on you than you can imagine. Why is that? Simply because it multiplies the judgment that you placed on others by your agreeing with the evil forces to wreak havoc in the lives of others. Maybe you didn't realize it, but when you judge others you are inviting evil forces to work against the person you have judged.

You have deemed him or her worthy of curses rather than worthy of blessings. You have projected condemnation upon the person rather than mercy, which is My attitude toward the person. You have, in reality, cursed the person with your thoughts and attitudes. In doing that, you have cursed yourself because the judgment will come back upon you. It's a spiritual principle, do not judge lest you be judged. Jesus taught so emphatically about ceasing to judge others for your protection and the protection of others, endeavoring to teach you that judgment is a booby trap set for you by the devil to snare you into doing his work of cursing others with misfortune, feelings of inferiority and lack of self respect. Judging others sucks you back into the cesspool of curses that the devil can only provide. When you came to Me with those filthy rags, I jerked you out of the mire and put you immediately on My lap to be loved and adored. I didn't judge you because of the filthy rags of sin that you wore or the injurious actions you had done. I saved you from all of that by giving you My Spirit so that you could have the power to refuse the temptations of the devil. You see, My Love covered all of the infractions and revealed only the need for being saved. It is a pitiful thing for My children to go back to their former lives of judging and condemning others in their minds and with words. I grieve when I see you go back to the filthy rags of the cesspool by judging and condemning others. You must realize that Jesus knew what He was talking about when he taught about the boomerang results from judging others. He loved My children so much He wanted to save you the effects caused by judging others. Every word spoken by Jesus was full of power and contained the keys to My kingdom. Heed them with all of your heart. Love, God Matthew 7;1-6; Romans 1:20-32; Romans 2:1-6; Luke 6:37-38; Luke 12:56-59; John 5:22; John 8:15-18; Judge 12:47-50,

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