Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Dear One, Forgiveness is one of the most powerful spiritual exercises in which My children can engage. It is necessary in order to be completely free. You have seen, yourself, the emotional benefits to yourself when you forgave someone, releasing the person from any guilt or repercussions from an offense done against you. We have talked about the physiological fact that when you forgive someone, you release yourself from the hormonal surges in your body that come from the fight or flight syndrome which I put in the body of humans which supplies energy under dire situation to either fight a threatening animal or flee from a dangerous situation. When you refuse to forgive, you relive a situation over and over in your mind, experiencing the same hormonal surges which were meant to protect you from damage and injury. Since you are neither fighting a wild animal nor running from one, the energy merely stays in your body and puts it on overload, damaging tissues that were meant to be energized for either fighting or fleeing. Over time, your body and mind suffer from your refusal to forgive the person or persons. Forgiving the person and the situation, refusing to replay it in your mind, is a way to restore your body to its normal hormonal outpouring. There are other benefits to forgiving others, remembering that to forgive is to give forward, releasing an incident or situation from your storehouse of memories and giving them to Me. Then you are free of the burden which was caused by someone else. You are free again to enjoy a body that is efficient hormonally but you are also free mentally from the emotional torture of reliving injurious situations which become obsessive. I want My children free from mental tortures which curse them emotionally and physically. Remember that forgiveness begins with an act of your will, not your emotions. You don't have to feel forgiving. You need merely to decide to forgive and then release the person and the incident from our mind every time it appears on the screen of your mind. The feeling of forgiveness will come later. I forgive you immediately. Do likewise to others and you will be free to enjoy the abundant life that I give you and the forgiveness that the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus accomplished for you. Jesus said that if you do not forgive others that I will not forgive you. What He was saying is that you are the caretaker of your mind and you, and only you, can release the memory of situations that need to be forgiven. I cannot come into your mind and erase them as long as you desire to hold on to them. So He was saying that I cannot erase something from your mind if you insist on holding to it. He said it more explicitly when He said that whoever sins you retain are retained and whoever sins you forgive are forgiven. If they are retained in your mind, I cannot release them from your mind because you are the caretaker of your mind. Remember that forgiving is an act of your will, a decision to release the person and the incident from your mind so that you can be free and the other person can be free. Doing good to those who injure you and use you is an activity that will completely free you, also giving you the emotional freedom that did not come from the action of the will of deciding to forgive. It has worked for you in the past and it will continue to work its freedom. My ways are opposite from yours but they are 100% effective and yours aren't. Take My loving advice and forgive those people who hurt you or embarrass you or make a fool of you. It doesn't matter that the person doesn't deserve your forgiveness. That doesn't enter into the picture. It is by My grace that you were forgiven, not by your deserving to be forgiven. Give Me the burden by releasing anyone from your memory who has injured you. I want you totally free, body, mind and spirit. Your Loving and Forgiving Father Matthew 6:12; Matthew 5:43-48; Matthew 18:21-35; Romans 12:21; Ephesians 2:8-9;John 20;21-24.

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