Thursday, July 31, 2014


Dear One, Think about religious laws and the reason for them. My Holy Spirit wrote in My Family History and Instruction Book that I gave the Ten Commandments and other spiritual laws to point out sin, which are the works of the devil, so that My children could try to avoid those things. If they didn't avoid idol worship, adultery, coveting, honoring their parents, killing, lying, stealing, taking My name in vain and refusing to take one day of rest and give their workers a day or rest, then the results would be that they would become more susceptible to the works of evil than they already were. I wanted them to have guidelines, which every Father gives to his children, on how to live a good life. The problem is that the devil used the laws that I gave to My children to condemn and make them feel guilty if they broke any of My laws or to cause them to make other people feel guilty and condemned if they broke them. Those laws were never given to declare anyone righteous or sinful. They were to alert My children on how to avoid evil. The religious laws were only given by Me for written guidance for the flesh of people until My Holy Spirit came into their lives to give them the power over the works of evil. Then the religious laws were no longer the guidance for My children because I said that My Holy Spirit would guide you, tutor you, encourage you and be your giver of truth. I said that My Holy Spirit has power over the works of the devil and that He has the power to destroy the works of the devil through you just like He did through Jesus when He walked the earth. So when My Spirit comes into a person, He might lead you not to do things that maybe the religious laws require. Jesus healed on the day of rest, which religious laws condemned. He said that the laws are not greater than the needs of My people. Paul said it perfectly when he said that the laws were a tutor for the flesh until the Tutor, Himself, who is My Holy Spirit, came into the lives of My children to be their personal Tutor. The people who do not have My Tutor inside of them still need religious laws in order to avoid sin. which is the work of the devil. I am not equipped to condemn you, make you feel guilty, kill you or rob from you. Those destructive actions are the works of the devil. I am not out to rob you of the abundant life. I am the giver of Life, the Lover of the souls of all of My children. Jesus said it clearly when He said, "The thief comes to rob, kill and destroy. I come that you might have Life and have it more abundantly." Your Brother Jesus died so that you might have My Life inside of you in the person of My Holy Spirit. My Spirit is the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, and He dwells inside of your spirit if you have invited Him. He wants to reveal My image to you, My personality to you, so that you will be able to emulate the same character traits in your flesh and be known as My child. Then the abundant life will flow through you and to you. Your Loving Father John 10:10; Romans 7:4-13; Romans 8;1-16; Galatians 4:1-7; Ephesians 3:14-20.

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