Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Dear One, Forgiveness has more spiritual, emotional and physical benefits than you can even imagine. As long as an injurious incident is not dealt with emotionally and spiritually by forgiving the person as an act of your will, you are giving the evil spirits who instigated the incident permission to continue with their curses in your life and in the lives of the people you have failed to forgive. You have heard the theory of binding and loosing. One true spiritual activity behind binding and loosing happens with forgiveness and unforgiveness. When you forgive a person as an act of our will and keep forgiving until your attitudes has changed toward the person, then you have loosed yourself from the actions of the evil spirits who were the authors of the strife. If you refuse to forgive the person, you bind yourself to the activity of the evil spirits who caused the incident and you will be cursed in every area of your life because you have bound yourself to the person and the evil spirits. Every memory of the injurious incident will sow more seeds into the garden of evil which will grow more and more damaging plants of which you will eat their fruit. Jesus told you that I cannot forgive your trespasses unless you forgive other people heir trespasses. He was saying that I can't loose (release) you from the curses of the evil one unless you release yourself by forgiving the person who injured you. I forgive you but I can't release you from the curses if you continue to bind yourself to the person and the evil situation. You are the one in control of your mind and you are the only one who can release the injurious matter from your mind, refusing to play the incident over and over and projecting attitudes of strife every time. Remember that where there is strife there is every evil work, so the attitudes of strife will call into your life other evil spirits to increase the curses. Evil spirits are proud of their work. They lie in wait, eager to increase the destruction and corruption in your life and the lives of others, all caused by out of control human emotions. When you forgive a person, you exercise your love authority and your release yourself from curses. Remember the antidote for harmful attitudes caused by unforgiveness, it is to do good to those who spitefully use you, to return good for evil, to turn the other cheek when struck on one cheek. In doing those actions which come from My kingdom, you destroy the works of evil which had control of the situation. You bring My kingdom into the matter. Jesus said if He cast out a demon from someone, then My kingdom came upon them. So if you refuse to act in anger and revenge, then evil is cast out of the situation and My kingdom comes upon both parties. You heard in movies during an altercation between armies, "Stop them at the pass." In other words, stop the enemy when they come into the area. It's the same thing spiritually, you must stop the enemy at the first passageway, when he first enters the situation by a person doing wrong to you. The way to stop the evil is to overcome the evil with good actions. "I am so sorry," and, "I apologize," are perfect starting places when bad situations arise. Even if you did not cause the situation, asking for forgiveness from a person takes the abundance of evil steam out of the person and the situation. The air is cleared of strife and you will both will be at peace, free from curses. My kingdom enters the live of both parties. Learn My ways and teach your children My ways which are to always return good for evil done to you. I said if you will do those things, you will be called My child. Then the world will know My personality because they have seen My image in you. Your Loving Father Matthew 5:38-48; Romans 12:19-21; Luke 11:20; Matthew 6:12-15; Matthew 16:13-19; Matthew 5:9; James 3:13-18.

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