Friday, October 9, 2015


Dear One,
     Every minute of the day there are three ways presented to your mind from which your present and future will unfold.  One way is My way.  Another way is your way.  Another way is the devil's way.
     Your way is determined by which way you choose as your motivation, either My way or the devil's way.  That principle is called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  Good thoughts are presented to your mind every minute of the day by Me.  Evil thoughts are presented to your mind every minute of the day by the devil. Yes, even My obedient, Spirit filled children are flooded with evil choices to make because the devil is still in the world.  I gave to My children the power of My Holy Spirit in order for them to resist the devil, refuse to obey those motivations, and defeat his destructive thoughts by replacing them with My thoughts and motivations. 
     Maybe you are not tempted by thoughts of murder, stealing, rape, drunkenness, immorality, impurity or other demonic motivations because the devil knows that you will not fall for them because of your religious training.  But, he will tempt you with thoughts of envy, jealousy, strife, anger, dissension, selfishness, gluttony, enmity, judging others, condemning others, political party division, rebellion or religious doctrines which separate you from Me and other people. The temptations are personal, as demonstrated by your weaknesses.  You might easily fall for those thoughts which become attitudes and then damaging words and actions.  As a result, you inherit what the devil intends for you to have, condemnation, guilt and spiritual death which leads to physical death. (Galatians 5:17-21)
       My ways are the ways demonstrated by Jesus, loving everyone regardless of their own actions and attitudes or their racial, cultural, political or religious beliefs.  Jesus did not quiz anyone who came to Him about what they believed.  The fact that they came to Him for His Ministry to them was enough evidence that they wanted what He had to offer, which was freedom from the works of the devil.  (I John 3:8)
      My ways are demonstrated by the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the lives of My children who cling to, rely on and trust in Me.  My ways are preceded by the thoughts presented to your mind of love, peace, joy, mercy, goodness, kindness, patience and faithfulness. (Galatians 5:22-23) My promptings are always from love.  They always result in doing good to others, like Jesus told you to do when He told you to love your enemies, to do good to those who hurt or injure you, to pray for your enemies, to forgive the people who wrong you, to turn the other cheek instead of striking back, to give more than what is asked of you, and to refrain from anger. (Matthew 5:21-26; 38-48) 
      I do not tempt you to do evil.  I tempt you to do good things in the world.   My ways must become your ways for you to experience the benefits of My kingdom in your life.  Choosing between your evil thoughts and your good thoughts are choosing your present and future circumstances and situations because in making the choice you choose either the devil's ways or My ways.  My ways bring the abundant life. The devil's ways bring death to your spirit, you mind and your body.
      Choosing between thoughts of evil and thoughts of good was not necessary until Adam allowed the devil to enter the earth.  You do the same thing to your part of the earth when you yield to bad thoughts which produce bad actions.  When you do yield to bad thoughts, all of your life can become cursed, as Adam's was, and all humanity became cursed with temptations to do evil from hell, as well as promptings to do good from Me.
       Make all of My ways your ways as prompted by My Spirit.   When you do, you will walk in prosperity in all areas of your life.  The more My ways become your ways, the more you will receive your inheritance that I provided from the foundation of the world.  Jesus said that when He cast demons out of people by My finger, which is My Holy Spirit, that My kingdom came upon the people.  It is the same today.  When you refuse the temptations of the devil and only act according to My promptings of love, My kingdom comes upon you in greater and greater degrees every time you act in love toward others. (Luke 11:20)  What you do to the least of My children you do to Me.   (Matthew 25:40)
       Make all of My ways to be all of your ways.  In that scenario you will be led by My Spirit and you will experience My abundant life. (Romans 8:14-17)
       Your Enlightening Father  

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