Sunday, June 15, 2014


Dear One, You will find that the minute you do good to those who do evil to you, or do evil to someone else, that some bondage breaks inside of you and allows you to be free of judgment toward the person. It happens every time. It should not be a mystery to you that that unimaginable release from judgment happens because you know that My admonition to overcome evil with good is an established key to My family life. My keys are opposed to the normal actions and reactions of human nature since the fall of man in the Garden of Edan when the first man allowed evil to invade his domain which I gave to him. The only way to overcome evil for My children is to overcome with good actions toward the evil doer who is only acting in conjunction with the same tempter who tempted Adam. It often surprises My children when they find that I said not to resist evil but to overcome evil with good. Those good actions not only defeat the evil in the other person but they also overcome the tendency in My children to react with evil actions. When you replace evil with good, miracles happen. You are changed and the evil perpetrator is changed because evil is always overcome with good. When you bless those who curse you, you are sowing blessings for yourself in My kingdom and those blessing will overtake you. You are also doing My work in the earth of proclaiming My blessings for the people who are cursing you, summoning My good works into their lives. The result is that they will be changed and eventually bless you in return which will summon more of My blessings into your life.
I didn't give those instructions to make you a passive patsy. I know the power of good deeds. I know the power pf blessing others. I know the power of words and the power of good works toward others. Remember that I said that it's My goodness that brings a person to repentance. It's the same in your life, only good deeds will cause a person who does evil works to turn from his ways and begin to do good works toward others. Remember that you will always benefit from your good deeds done to those who have cursed you or done evil towards you. Doing good deeds are planting good seeds which grow beneficial blessings in your life. It's guaranteed. Jesus did not talk just to hear himself talking. His words were full of power. When you take His advice and do what He said to do, you will inherit your full inheritance of blessings from Me. All of the teachings of Jesus were given to help My children defeat evil and receive their full inheritance from Me. I have already given your inheritance to you. Follow the admonitions of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, who is your advocate, will see that you receive your inheritance. Blessing those who curse you and doing good to those who use you will benefit you as well as the evil doer. It will break the power of judgment in you and break the power of evil in the other person. Everybody wins! Your Loving Father Matthew 5:21-26; Matthew 5:38-48; Matthew 7:1-2-6; Romans 12:19-21.

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