Wednesday, August 29, 2007


"Just keep fishin,' Stephen and Jesse"

Dear One,
Never fall for the mental attitude of despair.
Despair is just another face for doubt because when you fall for despair you eventually lose faith. Refuse to accept the mental images that despair puts in your mind of failure, death, defeat, worry, loss and other devastating predictions. They are not so, they only images placed in your mind by the demon of despair.
Despair does not see life through the eyes of faith. Despair sees life through the eyes of unbelief.
Despair sees life through the temporal rather than the eternal.
Despair says that things will never change in your situation.
Despair limits My power.
Faith says that I will handle the situation and bring positive changes so that abundant blessings will flow in the situation.
Faith magnifies My power.
Ask for My gift of faith in all situations and I will provide.
Love, God
II Corinthians 4:19
I Corinthians 12:9

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