Thursday, August 16, 2007

Fulfilling Love

"my friend doing loving Hospice Care with and for her cousin"

Dear One,
When you help to bear another person's burden you are fulling the commandment that Jesus gave to men, to love your neighbor as yourself.
When you lighten another person's load, it stems from My love that is in you, and you have obeyed the most important commandment, the commandment to love.
When you encourage another person, you lighten his load. When you serve another person, you lighten his load. When you listen to another person's woes, you lighten his load. Then you can pass the load on to Me in prayer and it becomes My business.
Even a smile to a stranger validates his existence and lightens his load.
You're all in this thing called life together. Help one another.
Love, God

Galatians 6:2

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