Saturday, August 18, 2007

Valuing People

"Our Grand-daughter Lindsey many years past"
Dear One,
People are more important than ideas, than philosophies, than doctrines, than laws, more important than anything intangible.
The thing that made Jesus so mad at the religious leaders was that the rules and regulations became more important than the people. The inanimate became more important than the animate.
My church becomes religious when the forms of worship and the rules and regulations of doctrine become more important than My children.
People will sacrifice their lives to preserve ideas, doctrines or philosophies, but only Jesus sacrificed His life for men. Wars are fought over ideas, doctrines and philosophies, not over people.
Make people your most valued entity. People are eternal, but ideas, doctrines and philosophies come to an end.
Place value in every person you meet because he was created in My image.

Love, God
Inanimate - not endowed with life or spirit
Matthew 9:13

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