Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Sufficient Grace

"This is Charlotte and she lives in my front yard unencumbered"

Dear One,
When you say a person has grace in his dancing you are saying that he or she is graceful in movement, free flowing, unencumbered from bindings or weights and unaffected by traditional limits.
Think of the same attributes when you think of your being in a state of Grace. Think of yourself as having freedom of movement, unencumbered from earthly worries, easy going, fluid, unaffected by traditional religious limits, and completely free to love others who do not look, act or believe the same way that you do.
My Grace is sufficient in every area of your life. It is My unlimited favor without your having done anything to deserve it.
Extend grace to others and you will be truly free.
Love, God
II Corinthians 12:9

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