Thursday, August 30, 2007


Dear One,
Intolerance is the result of judgment and religious law. Intolerance breeds hatred, discontent, division and disgust. When religious laws become more important than My children, then intolerance rears its ugly head.
You must learn to be tolerant of those who are intolerant or you will participate in the spirit of intolerance.
Intolerance is a fruit of the flesh. Tolerance is a fruit of the spirit.
You should begin to understand a person who is intolerant because he has an insecure foundation, a shaky image of himself and an untrue knowledge of Me. If he had a solid foundation, a good image of himself and a revelation of My character, then he would see the spirits of others rather than the flesh.
The flesh in a person will always see the flesh in others because it embraces religious law. The spirit of a person will always see the spirits of others because it knows Me and My forgiveness and understanding.
Tolerance is a result of understanding and forgiveness. I am tolerant of you and I forgive you. Extend My grace to others and intolerance will disappear.
Love, God
Galatians 5:19-25
photo compliments of Richard Nix at

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