Friday, August 31, 2007


Dear One,
To reach unreachable heights is actually a small feat.
To conquer the unconquerable is a small feat.
To accomplish the impossible is a small feat.
But, to love the unlovable is the greatest thing that a man can do, for therein lies the love of God, My love.
Man cannot love the unlovable in his own power and nature because the mind of man is repulsed by people who are different, unclean, uncouth, diseased, deformed, damaged, ugly and tactless. Only My Spirit within a person can love the unlovable. I can do it through you and through the rest of My family and it will bring peace to the world.
When My love is perfected in you, you will not fear those who are the outcasts of the world. You will love them because I live in you and I have shed My love abroad in your heart.
Love, God
Romans 5:5
Romans 5:8
I John 4:16

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