Thursday, August 9, 2007

Life is motion and activity

Dear One,
Life is active. Life is motion.
Death is the absence of activity.
Life without activity is more closely akin to death than it is to life. To have life, the blood must be flowing, breaths must be exchanged, the heart must be pumping and the brain must be computing.
As you can see, all of the above involves activity.
It is the same with My body, the body of Christ, which is composed of all of My children. The blood (Spirit) must be flowing. To be more exact, it should be overflowing. As I said before, "Out of your inner being shall flow rivers of LIVING WATERS." And the breath, the Breath of Life, must be constantly exchanged from one to another. My heart, My Love, must be constantly pumping loving nutrients to the rest of My creation. The brain, My wisdom and knowledge, must always be reasoning with your mind to instill My insight into your intelligence. Then My wisdom and knowledge can be distributed to others, by your sharing the Good News that sets people free.
When all of those are in operation, then you have Life, My Life operating in your life. That's what real life is all about, having My Life operating abundantly in your life. That is Life to the highest degree.
Don't allow anyone, man or spirit, to rob you of Life, the joy of Life. I told man to always guard his heart, his spirit, because out of it flows the issues of Life.
When you share true Life with others, you give value to their existence. That involves the activity of speaking kind words, sharing uplifting insights and giving unconditional love. Then the Body is full of My activity. I need to do those things in the earth through you. That's when I am allowed to be active.
Love, God
Romans 12:5
I Corinthians 12:12; 12:27
Revelations 7:17
photo compliments of Richard Nix at

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