Monday, August 6, 2007

"Spiritual Citizenship"

"Our beautiful pool is surrounded with the joy of life"
Dear One,
Knowledge is power, especially the knowledge that you gain regarding the cloud of witnesses and the activity in the spiritual realm around you. The more you know about your surroundings in the spiritual realm, the more you know about your power. Earthly educational processes teach you about your earthly surroundings in relation to environment, history, physiology, psychology, geology, biology, financial matters, etc., to enable you to understand your surroundings and improve your lot in life and improve your surroundings. So it is true about the heavens, the spiritual realm that is around you. The more My children know about their spiritual surroundings the more efficient they are at using their power and authority to improve their lives and the lives of others. When you know about the spiritual beings who are dedicated to helping you, then you know that you are not alone in your faith but that you are supported by spiritual beings who want to bring about the best for you. You say that your citizenship is in heaven. You must learn about the inner workings of the world you claim as your home. Knowledge also brings wisdom, and wisdom produces solutions to all of your problems because wisdom is the insight into the intricate workings of all the solutions for which you long. Wisdom always gives the way out of any problem because wisdom provides the insight and perception that you are lacking. I told My children to seek My kingdom and everything would be added to them. It is still, and will always be, true.
Love, God
Hebrews 12:1 and 22-24 II Peter 1:1-8>

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