Thursday, August 30, 2007

"The Mustard Seed"

"The Mustard Seed"

Dear One,
Remember the mustard seed that grows into a tree that I told you about where the birds come and nest in its branches. You are the tree and the angels are the birds whom I’ve sent to minister for you. They are eager to meet every one of your wishes, needs, wants and desires. Continue to appreciate them and celebrate their ministry for you. They thrive on your appreciation in much the same way that humans do. Appreciation and gratitude are the fuel that runs their engines. They thrive on your appreciation and they delight in delivering the inheritance that I have given to you. You must delight in expecting it just like they delight in delivering it. Continue to meditate on what is in your heritance. If you don’t know what I have given to you, you won’t believe for it and expect it. If you do not open the door for it through expectation and belief, you won’t receive it. Prosperity is yours in all areas of life, financially, socially, mentally, spiritually, intellectually, emotionally. I said ALL areas of life.Health is yours. Wealth is yours.Creativity is yours.Insight is yours. Intelligence is yours.Knowledge is yours.Wisdom is yours. Peace is yours.My glory is yours!Natives in undeveloped countries are oblivious to the wealth of natural resources that are under their grounds and in their forests and mountains. They don’t facilitate them because of their ignorance of their location and their ignorance of the value of them. So they stay in the state of poverty, always striving for food and sustenance. They kill each other when their food is threatened. My children are oblivious to the fortunes that are theirs because of their Sonship. Do not be like the natives, living in poverty, killing each other like savages. Instead, be like the royalty that I created you to be, children of the King. Receive your kingdom by belief and expectation. It’s already yours. Matthew 13:31&32

Posted by "Dear One, Love God........." at 2:39 PM

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