Friday, July 29, 2016


Dear One,
    When Jesus said, "Don't judge or you will be judged," it was a profound statement because My children thought that I was a judge, always judging, condemning and finding them guilty of breaking some religious law. (Matthew 7:1-2) Later He said that I neither judge people nor does He judge them.  (Matthew 5;22)  In fact, He said that if He does judge it is the discerning of spirits, judging whether spirits that are operating in someone are from My heaven or from hell. (John 12:47)  We do not judge people, we judge the spirits of satan, the demons who torment My children.
    Jesus wanted you to take this admonition seriously.  He cautioned you that if you judge others that you will be judged by the devil in return.  He even said how much you will be judged. He said by the same measure that you judge others you will be judged, not by Me, but by people as led by the devil.  Then He taught about the splinter that is in the eye of a person you judge as being small but the boulder of judgment that is in your eye as being huge.  He said to get rid of your spirit of judgment and then you might be able to help someone get rid of his splinter. (Matthew 5:3-5)
    Then He said not to give dogs what is holy and don't cast pearls before swine because they will turn and tear you up.  That was in the same context of judging.  What He was saying is that when you judge someone that you are casting yourself before the demonic spirits of judgment who are eager to turn on you and tear you limb from limb, seeing that your sins will be found out and you will be judged.  It's the principle of seed sowing.  If you judge others, you will be judged.  If you forgive others, you will be forgiven.  It is truth that Jesus taught that you are judged by your own words and by My words. (Matthew 12:37; Romans 2:12)
    In the temptation of Jesus by the devil, if you will remember the devil used the written laws to tempt Jesus.  He said, "Is it not written----?"  He uses the same thing to tempt, judge and condemn you.  He says to your thoughts, "Did God not say that you should not --" and then accuses you of breaking the laws. In doing that, he condemns and punishes you in your own mind and he uses the religious laws to cause others to condemn and judge you.  The boulder of judgment in your own thoughts has boomeranged back to judge you because you judged someone, as led by the devil, who is the spirit of judgment. 
     Forgiving everyone for being either a religious or civil law breakers is My desire for all of My children who are led by My Spirit.  Sometimes nonreligious people can forgive more readily than My children because they are not programmed by religious laws.  My children need to be My own standard of forgiveness in the world.  It is the devil who uses the laws to judge and condemn My children.  My own children should not judge and condemn others by the written laws which were given so that you could identify and avoid the works of the devil.  They were given to point out the devil, not used to judge anyone.(Romans 6:4-13)
     Forgiving others is the hardest thing for My children to digest because of the teachings from the demon of religion that teaches that I am the judge of all humans.  Jesus came to do My ministry in the earth of saving people, not judging them.  I make it easy to learn to forgive.  I sent My Holy Spirit into your life in order for you to develop My personal characteristics and personality.  My Spirit will teach you how to forgive from your heart.  You might choose to forgive from your mind for a while until you are taught by My Spirit to forgive from your heart,  that is your spirit. 
     My Holy Spirit is your personal tutor and counselor.  He was there when the blood of Jesus obliterated all of the sins of the whole world, so He is the Spirit of Forgiveness.  He can teach you how to look at someone who is motivated by the devil and see past the fleshly demons, seeing only the spirit of the person, forgiving the flesh and only seeing the need for love of the real person, which is the spirit of the person whom I love.
    When you bind yourself to someone by judging him or her, you bind yourself to the judgment of the devil that is already active in the life of the person.  You inherit the devil's judgment along with the person because what is bound on earth is also bound in heaven. (Matthew 16:19)  Loose yourself from the demon of judgment and your blessings will be loosed on you from heaven.
    Because of the demonic spirit of judgment that is still resident in some of My children, My image in the earth is maligned.   I need children who are lights in the world, ones who forgive everyone of their mistakes, their sins, their iniquities, their trespasses and their misdeeds, just as I do.  When you judge someone, then My image in the earth is cursed.  When My light of forgiveness shines in you, then people will glorify Me.
     Let your light of forgiveness so shine. 
     Your Forgiving, Nonjudgmental Father                 

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