Friday, March 30, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   My children of promise who have been very dedicated to hearing My loving guidance from the Holy Spirit, plus who also have been dedicated to only speaking words which further Me and My kingdom of love, those of My children need to be cautious about listening to political and religious words from other people who don't personally hear from Me because their words most often contain curses which poison the attitudes of My children.  When that happens, darkness overcomes the light in them and they are left with destructive curses which will eventually snuff out My light that is in them.  Instead of My light overcoming darkness in them, the darkness overcomes the light.  As a result, their lives are cursed and their nations are cursed because they have left My kingdom of love and joined with the devil's kingdom of darkness.  Those of My children who are deceived might still proclaim My name, proclaim to be My children, but their attitudes and actions are contrary to My kingdom thoughts, attitudes and actions.(Matthew 5:14-16; Luke 11:3)
   Be cautious of the words that you allow to come into your mind.  My Holy Spirit discerns the errors of the political and religious factions.  Jesus Christ, whose name they profess, warned many, many times about the woes of the religious and political factions, which were the Pharisees, the Sadducees and the scribes of Jesus' time.  Yet My children of promise sometimes, because of blind patriotic nationalism, bind themselve in loyalty to the woes of the religious and political factions.  When curses come into their lives, they erroneously think that it is a sign of the times, that it was prophesied under another covenant, while all the time they have bound themselves to curses without knowing it.  Because they have become loyally bound to religious and political factions where the devil has control, they are also bound to the demonic spirits who motivate the religious and political factions.  (Matthew 18:18) Remember that it was religious and political factions which crucified Jesus Christ and they continue to crucify Him in My children, seeking to kill His influence on you, all in the name of blind nationalism.  Your nation and its politicians are not your gods unless you choose to be blindly loyal to your nation and to them.  When you do, because of the current and past sins of your nation of domination, racism, prejudice, hatred, strife, division, greed and killings of My precious children in the name of your nation, the curses that await the people who choose to be blindly loyal to your earthly nation will eventually inherit the curses of the devil.  Floods, droughts, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, tropical storms, illnesses, diseases and addictions are all the devil's curses for the people that the has successfully tempted to become blindly loyal to earthly nations which compete constantly for world dominance. 
   My children of promise need to become loyal to My kingdom of love for which their Savior Jesus Christ died.  He went around the earth healing the sick, casting out demons and proclaiming My kingdom coming into the earth with power to relieve the sufferings of people.  His prayer was answered and his prophesy was fulfilled when My Holy Spirit came to live in My children who are willing to exchange blind loyalty to a sinful earthly nation for dedication and loyalty to My heavenly kingdom of love.   When My Holy Spirit came to live inside of you and My other children, He ushered into your life My kingdom of heaven with its magnificent blessings.  (Matthew 12:28; Mark 9:1; Luke 4:40-43; Matthew 10:5-7)
   You must discern the difference between blind loyalty to religious and political factions of your earthly nation and absolute loyalty to My kingdom of heaven.  You cannot be loyal to both.  You either love My heavenly kingdom or you love your earthly nation.  (Matthew 8:24)   Your nation has been used to sow the devil's kingdom of curses into the earth, just as all nations have,  My kingdom of love produces blessings in the earth for My children who choose loyalty to Me and My kingdom of love.  Jesus said to give to your nation what it requires in the form of paying your taxes and obeying its laws.  He said to give to Me what loyalty is needed to make your life on earth a paradise by accepting My guidance and following it.  My kingdom offers multitudes of blessings.  Blind loyalty to your earthly nation offers curses because of the devil's involvement in it.
   Choose which nation you want to serve, a nation of curses or a nation of love.   There are no righteous nations, neither Israel nor your nation.  They all extract from the poor in favor of the rich and they all oppress people in order to gain world dominance.  That's the way the devil uses them.   My kingdom of heaven brings unconditional love, peace, goodness, kindness, mercy, patience and faith into your life.  All earthly nations offer division, strife, jealousy, domination, slavery, killing and stealing from their people because of the devil's control of them. 
    Appreciate the freedoms that your earthly nation provides for you, if it does.  But do not continue to be blindly loyal to it and its devotion to war or you will be cursed with the rest of the people who are bound to it in blind loyalty.  When Jesus was announcing the immediate event of My kingdom of power coming into the lives of My children, some who were blindly loyal to their earthly nation were elated because they expected their earthly nation of Israel to come into world dominance.  They erroneously thought Jesus Christ came to earth to make their nation great. (Acts 1:4-8)  There are still people in the earth who are blindly deceived by the devil, expecting Me to set up My kingdom on earth through their earthly nation.  Instead, I send My kingdom of love into the individual lives of My children of promise who dedicate themselves to seeking My kingdom and My righteousness. 
   I instructed you to seek first My kingdom and My righteousness and then everything good from My kingdom of heaven will be added to your life on earth.  (Matthew 5:31-33)  No where did I ever instruct My children to seek world dominance as being the greatest earthly nation. That is demonic and it leads to destructive curses upon your nation.
   You can enjoy heaven on earth by dedicating all of your loyalty to seeking Me and My kingdom of love.  When you do, you will have heaven on earth, as promised by Me, Jesus Christ and My Holy Spirit.  My Spirit is your teacher and your counselor who comforts you, counsels you, protects you and provides everything necessary for you to enjoy My kingdom of heaven on earth.
   Choose which nation is your Savior, My heavenly nation for whom Jesus Christ died, or your earthly nation through which the devil curses the earth.  Only listen to the words from My heavenly nation of peace.  The words from the earthly nation of strife and division will curse your life in the earth.  
   Your Father of the Generous Nation of Love and Peace

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