Friday, March 9, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   We have talked about the encouragement of My Holy Spirit when He told you and My other children to be sure and seek wisdom and revelation pertaining to these three things; one, the power and authority that is inside of you in the person of My Holy Spirit; two, the riches of My glorious inheritance that belongs to you; and three, the hope of your calling.  My instructions relating to that instructive encouragement are important, because without wisdom and revelation of those benefits that are afforded to you through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, you are ignorant of My gifts to you, also you are weak in faith, and you are unable to collect your inheritance that I set aside for you from the foundation of the world. (Ephesians 1:16-22) In other words, My plan for your being victorious over the evil that is in the earth will be impossible unless you receive wisdom from Me relating to those principles.
   Later in the same teaching I encouraged you to pray for wisdom and revelation of the width, length, depth and height of My love for you.  Without that revelation, you will not be able to know how special you are to Me, that you are loved beyond measure.  If you don't know how precious you are to Me, you will not be able to believe that I will produce riches for you in your life that are super abundantly more and above all that you can dare think, imagine, desire or ask because of the power of My Holy Spirit who lives in you, all according to My glory. (Ephesians 3:14-20)
    Your brother Jesus increased in My wisdom, in My knowledge and when he increased in revelations His favor with people and with Me increased because He became enlightened by My truths.
     When we looked at the authoritative power your brother Jesus Christ has, we also studied the immeasurable greatness of His power in us who believe.  Note that I said that My power that is in you and that was in Jesus is immeasurable, immeasurable meaning that there is no measurement in the world or in the heavens that can determine its strength and abilities.  There is no spiritual power that can be victorious over Me.  That is a lot of power.  It resides in My children of promise.  It's the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead, the same power that rescued Him for hell and the same power that catapulted Him into My heaven to sit with Me in heavenly places.  My power in My Holy Spirit is power that is far above all earthly rulers, all earthly authorities, all demonic powers and demonic dominions in the earthly and spiritual dimension.  Plus, My Holy Spirit power is far above in power to all the names that are named and will ever be named in the ages to come, whether the names are kings, queens, emperors, presidents, judges or any other political identities,  
  There is no power that even remotely compares to or is greater than My authoritative power and My angelic dynamic power in spiritual battles.  You must digest the power that you have inside of you in the person of My Holy Spirit. It is through His power in you that you can defeat every demon that tempts you, every demon that confronts you, every demon that entices you and every demon who attempts to rule over you. (Acts 1:4-9; Acts 2:1-4) It is through His power that you can cast demons out of yourself and others, sending them to the abyss forever. (Matthew 13:37-44) 
   Some of My children seek political power, religious power or national power.  They seek those powers because they have been duped into refusing to be  endued with My power from on high, which is being baptized in the power of My Holy Spirit.  Those spiritually deceived of My children have an innate desire for My power to live inside of them, but when they refuse to accept My power in the way that I gave Him to them, which is through the baptism of My Holy Spirit, they begin to seek political, religious or national power over people.  The power that I gave to My children of promise never seeks power over people because that is demonic.  It was proven to be demonic at the beginning when the devil duped Adam into desiring power.   He gained entrance to the world and cursed not only My children, but the beautiful earth that I gave to My children.  My unenlightened children cooperate with the devil in cursing themselves and the earth.  
    However, when My children are gifted with the power of My Holy Spirit and they can hear My voice of Truth which comes from My Holy Spirit, they never seek power over people, whether it is through religious, political or national ways because those are demonic.  Instead of seeking dominion over people, My true children desire to cooperate with Me in restoring people and the earth to its former glory. (Romans 8:19-24)  My true children know that instead of seeking dominion over people, they must seek to love and forgive their human enemies, to bless their human enemies, to pray for their human enemies and to do good acts to their human enemies so that those enemies will come to a knowledge of My truth. I said that I desire that all people come to the knowledge of My truth.  
   No where in My communication with My children did I ever say that I desire that you dominate and rule over any human being. Yet, My children who call themselves by My name rule over each other, husbands rule over their wives and children, wives rule over their husbands and children, religious leaders rule over their flock, political leaders seek to rule over their constituents, people of color are ruled over by fair skinned people, nations rule over other nations, and on and on, perpetuating the devil's curses in the earth.  My children are only called to rule over demonic principalities and powers in the spiritual dimension around them. (Ephesians 6:10-18)  Only the deceived children of the devil seek to rule over other people.  (John 8:44)  The personality of the devil desires to rule. 
   My children of promise who are baptized in My Holy Spirit by choosing to have Him live inside of them and teach them, they will put all demonic beings under their feet of authority because they have been made the head of all spiritual things by Me because I live in My children in the person of My Holy Spirit.  In My children of promise who seek Me and My righteousness, all of the fullness of My abilities and My love is present in them.
   Do not waste My power by yielding to political deceit which entices you to seek power over other people.  You were called by Me to have dominion and power over demonic beings who curse your earth and curse the lives of people.  Pray in the Holy Spirit at all times and in all occasions.  Cast out all demons who tempt you to judge or battle with people.  Remember that your battle is never with people.  It's with the devil and his demons.  You have My Holy Spirit's power to defeat them.  Jesus showed you how and My Spirit will identify the demons for you if you will listen.  My kingdom will come upon you when you defeat the demons in your life and the lives of other people.  (Luke 11:20)  I said that there is NO DOUBT that My kingdom will come upon those of My children who have had demons cast out of them. 
   You have done a valuable deed for Me and for people when you are obedient in casting out the demons that afflict them.
   Your Father of Power and Might 

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